
death by PowerPoint

By Alexander S. Gillis

What is death by PowerPoint?

Death by PowerPoint is a phenomenon caused by the poor use of presentation software. It occurs when a seller or speaker fails to capture an audience's focus and interest using their presentation.

Factors that can cause death by PowerPoint include overly wordy slides, hard-to-understand graphics or a speaker monotonously reading off their PowerPoint slides. For example, death by PowerPoint can occur when a sales presentation fails to engage a customer.

For some organizations, Microsoft PowerPoint and other software, including Canva and Apple Keynote, might be essential presentation tools, so it's important to know how to properly engage an audience in a presentation and not lose them in an onslaught of unfocused slides.

What can go wrong with PowerPoint presentations?

Death by PowerPoint can be easily recognized by observing the audience members' glazed eyes, furtive use of smartphones and excessive number of trips to the restroom. Key contributors to death by PowerPoint include the following:

Ways to avoid death by PowerPoint

Presenters can avoid death by PowerPoint by following these tips:

Learn about some more tips for delivering a successful presentation.

22 Mar 2023

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