

By Katie Terrell Hanna

What is a netizen?

A netizen is a person who uses the internet, especially as a forum, for the expression of views and participation in political society. The term is a portmanteau of the English words "internet" and "citizen."

History of the term netizen

The term netizen was first used in the early 1990s by Michael Hauben and Ronda Hauben, a husband-and-wife team who were studying the social and political implications of the internet. The Haubens believed that the internet had the potential to create a new kind of citizen, one who was more informed and engaged in political society.

The role of netizens

Netizens can play a variety of roles in political society. They can use the internet to do the following:

The importance of netizens

The term netizen is a relatively new one, but it has quickly become an important part of our vocabulary. Netizens play an important role in political society. They can help to inform the public, participate in political discussions, organize political campaigns and vote in elections. Netizens can help to make political society more open, democratic and participatory.

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26 Apr 2023

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